In SagitaZ we go together with companies in their process of digital transformation, improving significantly working process management with zoho technology, by offering a strategical 360º vision. We are delighted to share the experience of our clients and get their feelings about the whole accompanying process.
Today we bring you the testimony of Ozoaqua, a dermatological lab based in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. We chat with Daniel Castro, Systems manager of Quatrium Group, the group of 4 companies that Ozoagua belongs to. This is the most important things Daniel told us in his interview you can watch in the following video.
What was your main need regarding management process?
-We needed a global solution , an information system that integrate all yor departments in your company, from the moment that sales agents goes out to the street until the order has been sent. Until now we had all data storaged in excell format. For that reason, we needed a system to manage clients, orders, warehouse, turnover, receipt, stock control,etc
-With the implementation of Zoho CRM and other tools as Zoho Books e Inventory, How is your work going to improve?
-With everything, because we had nothing digitalized. We live from customer feedback and the CRM is essential because the sales process is going to be short and reducing mistakes. In the end, we are going to reduce costs and time and the most important: we are going to improve customer support. Zoho CRM app is going to be very useful to the sales agents.
-This has been one of your specific needs: make the order management simple. Tell us how this has been resolved.
-We had Zoho Inventory for orders management but we needed a special adaptation to sales team could create an orer quickly and easily. This has been got with the creation of a tailored app with Zoho Creator integrated inside clients profile in Zoho CRM. Now they can create an order in just 30 seconds and we avoid any incident in the order management.
-Why SagitaZ?
-We already knew you from other projects in Quantrium. We are working with SagitaZ and Zoho for the last 3 years and we appreciate very positively the support assistance; the agility and easy-going access. We trust in a company which assist us with the project successfuly.