Happy New Year from Sagitaz Zoho Premium Partner

    Feliz Año Nuevo de parte de Sagitaz Zoho Premium Partner
    WOZTELL Golden Partner : WhatsApp + zOHO

    We say goodbye to the year and Happy New Year with SAGITAZ and Zoho

    Happy New Year from Sagitaz Zoho Premium Partner! From SAGITAZ we wish you a happy end of the year and new year. We are happy to share with you our success as we have done things we never thought we could in such a short time. We are part of a market by being partners of Zoho, with 80 thousand companies and more than twenty million users who use these products to manage their businesses. This is because we have the most affordable and flexible ERP on the market.

    We would like to thank our customers for trusting us and wish them the best for the new year. We are happy that you are with us and for seeing the achievements you are having thanks to our business solutions. It is satisfying to see companies grow that in a short time have improved their performance and have grown.

    We congratulate you as a client and we are proud to have such good quality clients. This is your merit so congratulations again!

    SAGITAZ was born as the starting point of a solution to a problem. We could not find a company that could understand the needs we had and for this reason we decided to create this type of company. One that offers solutions to companies according to their needs.

    This is why SAGITAZ is not just a software vendor but what it does is develop business.

    Since 2010, we maintain a vision that guides us as our engine. We are always reinventing ourselves and rethinking our position. Each of the members of SAGITAZ is different and unique. We hire those who are in tune with our vision of things. Certainly, in our company we do not take anything for granted or do anything in advance.

    When stages such as the end of the year and a new year begin, we see how far we have come in a short time. Therefore, we are a global reference in the Zoho market.
    We have a master plan that leads us to fulfill our objectives based on small and large projects. Our growth is such that we can maintain our essence as well as the principles that support the vision of SAGITAZ. We have projects in more than 25 countries and our offices are spread over a large part of the planet.

    Those who work at SAGITAZ have a special quality. They are considered the main asset of the company.

    In this sense, everyone has the possibility to develop a professional career and grow. But here people are chosen on the basis of attitude and aptitude. Not on the basis of “titles” or resumes and even less on the basis of friendships.

    All this has been reflected in the success achieved with clients in Spain, France, Argentina, United States, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Holland, Italy, Germany, France, Colombia, China, Panama and England.

    This is how we have received opinions from clients about our services: “By applying methods at SAGITAZ we manage to flow through what is uncontrollable in appearance and thus achieve excellent results”.

    In SAGITAZ we apply workflows to everything we do. We have standardized procedures and that is what our method is based on. This is the DNA that characterizes us: the standardization of procedures.

    We take advantage of all the resources available in order to methodize each project. Each element has its own place, its own way of creating and delivering it. Everything is thought out in the smallest detail for each project. There is no project that starts in a development department without clearly structuring it.

    Let’s see the route we take in each project

    First of all we have a new project. Then we do an assembly of ideas. After that it stops at methodization and it goes into production. Finally we move on to monitoring, testing and delivery.

    Our main innovation is that we create what does not exist next to what exists. We are proud to be the most renowned company in the strategies used by Zoho itself at a global level in marketing.

    The projects we develop are mostly based on the use of tools we have for the development of solutions to complex problems using other types of tools. In this sense it is necessary to innovate as well as to think in a lateral way to maintain low costs and deliver solutions in the shortest time possible.

    We create and innovate with Zoho and that is why we are experts in Zoho.

    We enjoy this very much, we are very good at doing something that we like so much. You can prove this by being our client because we take care of our clients as well as our employees.

    We have a business model based on an integration with harmony between the components. That’s why we choose our people not only for what they know, but also for being able to integrate them into a common working spirit. There is no toxic environment here and there is a lot of camaraderie. Each member of SAGITAZ knows what to do and what not to do. We have frequent meetings that allow us to have an organizational communication that allows the best work atmosphere.

    Our business model is based on the harmonious integration of all parties, the parameters on which we base our expansion and the choice of new personnel, are a varied mix; but mainly we value that that person, regardless of their knowledge and experience, is integrated into the working spirit of our company.

    Our clients have found here multiple business solutions that have given a new life to their business. Thank you all very much for trusting us and we wish you all the best for the coming year. For those who are not yet our customers we wish them the best too and invite you to learn more about our products. You will see how you can integrate your company to SAGITAZ solutions and improve your business.

    Happy New Year from Sagitaz Zoho Premium Partner!