At SagitaZ we get moved by Zoho

WOZTELL Golden Partner : WhatsApp + zOHO

As you know the SagitaZ Blog focuses on telling you every day about Zoho’s novelties but it is complicated to communicate a new feature each day, about something technical that does not move you.

Today we’re not telling you about a new technical feature, today the new thing we’re telling you about Zoho is its new way of doing marketing and the way it introduces its software.  Through this new campaign Zoho moves you, makes you feel, makes you get excited.

If you Google Zoho + Marketing, probably nothing interesting will come up. But we have discovered that Zoho has planned to enter the North American Market, currently its strongest market, with a television campaign. Maybe Zoho’s webpage doesn’t make you feel anything but their new video spots will surely do, because they’re not about software they’re about people.

They’re not the typical spots that sell the app on a screen, instead they tell us about the moments when we experience something for the first time and associates them to when you first use Zoho.

Here’s the original version of these spots which are currently being aired in channels like CNN or CNBC:

What do you think about them? Did they moved you?

We’re sure you have went through a similar situation, as we all have had a first time when we have thought: How do I do this? Or How Zoho can help me in my day-to-day?

These spots highlight the emotion we feel the first time we experience something new. And this is a very powerful message because it is cross-generational.

Even though the Zoho users’ average age goes from 25 to 50. Some of these users surely remember the first time they tried to use a mobile phone, and others were already born knowing what a mobile phone is, but we all recognize the emotion we feel when we do something for the first time.


The message conveyed in these spots is that Zoho tools are for you, for any person. This is why the spots are not starred by any big company talking about what Zoho did for them. But they tell the story about what a person feels for the first time and how Zoho has 600.000 new users per month, in other words, 60.000 first times per month.

At SagitaZ we also have first times. In fact, recently a new marketing department has been created. And with this new department, a new marketing director has arrived and he wants us to do things that move you. So, in the next weeks you will notice a radical change in:

The style of our Blog posts.
The communication campaign of the next edition of the Zoho Creator University Degree.
The content of our YouTube channel: LearnWithSagitaZ.
The management of our social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn in which we invite you to follow us and interact with us.
We’re going to change just like Zoho changed its marketing: we’re going to move you.

Do you want to join us in our first time?

Leave us your comments on Twitter with the hashtag #MyFirstTime and tell us how your first time with Zoho or with SagitaZ was. We’re looking forward to know your story!