How to take advantage of a job opportunity in an university conference

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“Who wants to work with me without any knowledge about my company”? With this words, our CEO, Jose Pérez started his confence to the students of last year of Telematics, Computing and Telecoms of ETSE school of Valencia University. The students attended the conference to know the testimony of an entrepreneur and what job market is demanding. “The main goal of this conference is to put the students in contact with companies that can match with their professional interest, with the possibility to work with them or to develop their final university project, Angela Cobo, teacher of Business Management of Economics Faculty at Valencia University says.

After this unexpected question, a big silence covered the auditorium. Nevertheless, 6 students raised their hands.

Amparo and Jean Paul visit SagitaZ

Amparo and Jean Paul were 2 of the students that made it. They are in the last course of Telematics. “We were very surprised about that question. Jose was very direct with us and broke all the moulds. He didn’t give us any detail about his company. He only wrote his telephone number on the board and told us we call him in case we were interested in working with him”, Amparo says.

Amparo and Jean Paul had no any doubt and accepted Jose’s invitation to know the company the following day and to see how their profiles could fit with SagitaZ. It was so easy. We had an opportunity we couldn’t waste, Jean Paul explains. In fact what surprised us was he opened the door of his company so easy, and that’s why we have come! Amparo says”SagitaZ reminds me Google (they were totally gobsmacked with our table football and pool!); there are a good atmosphere. It’s not the tipical company and boss, Amparo adds.

Amparo, 27 years old, has been given a grant in the network system department in a logistics company. She confesses she would like to work as a Telecom engineer specialized in the development of networks 5G. Jean Paul, 24 years old, has no done yet his intership program, nevertheless he says he would like to work as Telecom engineer specialized in modulation.

They both agree their profiles doesn’t fit completely in SagitaZ, but they don’t reject to do it in the future because they have studied Computing as well. “It is all about give a try and to see if we like doing programming task”.

The conclusions they drawed from the conference are the need of being competitive. “During his speech, Jose connected with an employee from SagitaZ India to teach us we compete globally and we also need English. On the other hand, he insisted in the importance of following our dreams as well as to have something to tell.

Thanks very much Amparo and Jean Paul for sharing your story with us and to dare to visit SagitaZ. Good luck in your job projects. Who knows if you culd develop them in SagitaZ…