Success story in the media with ZOHO Books

Caso de éxito en medios de prensa con ZOHO Books
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Example of success in the press with ZOHO Books

As we have done on previous occasions, we are going to look at an example of the use of ZOHO Books to solve problems, generate solutions and opportunities for different companies. This time we focus on an example of a company dedicated to press and advertising media.

In this case, this SAGITAZ client from the advertising and media sector is a group of interrelated companies that offer complimentary design, advertising, and press services.

Within this business organization, one company assumes the structural costs of the group. This means personnel costs, rent, supplies, and other expenses. In turn, this company reverts the proportional part to the other companies of the group. In this case, control of the amounts to be invoiced and collected between companies was required.

The company whose main activity is the advertising design of banners, posters, printed advertising, etc. needed to ensure that the staff initiated the designs requested by their clients, once the work was approved by the person responsible.

On the other hand, with regard to media activity, the main need was to control the monthly invoicing for annual contracts.

Solution found by SAGITAZ for this organization with ZOHO Books.

To apply the structural costs to each company in the group, using the standard possibilities of ZOHO Books, report generation labels were configured. When entering incoming invoice lines, the amount and the company or companies that were to assume the cost of the expense were identified. This allowed the invoice to be generated for the other group companies.

The control of the start of the design work was resolved by means of customized statements of the sales orders, which indicate whether the customer’s order is in the approval phase or whether the designs can be started.

With respect to the annual contracts for space in the media, recurring billing profiles were configured, identifying the final date of the contract. The system generates the invoices in the specified period, for example monthly, weekly, etc.

Likewise, the system was configured to notify the user before the end of the contract. Thus, the user can contact the customer and manage the renewal of the service.

ZOHO Books is very easy to use software for managing the accounting of a business. In this example, you can see how this business organization has managed to obtain a customized solution.

This solution allows the company to better organize and manage all commercial transactions on the Internet. A lot of time and resources can be saved by streamlining workflows. Everything is centralized for management from one place. Without the need to be operating in many different systems.

Do you really know your business expenses?
To be able to achieve an organization in the tracking of expenses, invoices and all the money that comes out of cash is very simple with this accounting management software.

Various work processes can be automated which makes your business more agile, more intelligent and modern.

  • Some of the virtues of ZOHO Books
  • Very easy to make payments
  • Manage expenses easily.
  • Fully automated banking.
  • Inventory and Billing.
  • Fully and easily manage projects.
  • Customer Portal.
  • Complete business analysis and reporting.
  • Mobile Application.
  • Total security.
  • Total control over what happens in the organization’s finances.

See all that this accounting management software has to offer in this link: Features of ZOHO Books. Don’t miss the opportunity to make the leap into modernity and the intelligent transformation of your company.

As you can see, with just a small configuration and implementation of ZOHO Books this company has been able to improve its organization. You can try out and register for free right now ZOHO Books at this link: Free registration at ZOHO Books. Contact us for more information and without obligation, a sales consultant will contact you to provide you with all the information you require.