Consulting before implementing ERP in your business

Consultoría antes de implantar ERP en tu negocio
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What are the reasons why you should have a consultancy before implementing ERP in your business?

If you are thinking of implementing an ERP system with ZOHO you should hire a consultancy with SAGITAZ. Here are some of the reasons why you should do so. An enterprise resource planning system is something very important. Having an orientation is fundamental to do it in the best way.

An ERP for your business is something you need but it is recommended to implement one that can be adjusted to the characteristics and needs of your company. So if, for example, your company makes installations then the ERP you get must-have resources to plan and manage certain specific areas that are required.

Each type of business will require certain specific resources. In the case of a service and maintenance company will have another type of ERP completely different because it will need other resources.

For this and other reasons, acquiring an ERP is not something that can be developed lightly.
It must be done correctly and that is why you need a specialist to guide you in the best way. We have to know what we are acquiring, what characteristics it has.

It is also good to know if the system supports the activities that have to be developed. If it manages to maintain in an integral way with the characteristics to be able to manage and plan everything in an optimal way.

ZOHO’s business management software is very useful. However, for this utility to be transferred to our business, it is best to request a consultancy. In order to make it clearer to you, we are going to discuss the relevance of this consultancy. In this way, you will have the arguments to make this decision and hire a consultant who will be able to demonstrate that you need it in your case.

Business consulting for the implementation of ERP gives you a study or situational analysis.

This study is of great importance for the implementation of ERP because it tells you the organizational situation of your business. The analysis will tell you what are the critical points and business performance. In this way you can know what specific needs your business has in terms of control, management, administration, and planning. Then, your business based on this study will require certain ERP.

The ERP for your company will provide a number of functions that will be necessary. The importance that will have the business consulting for the implementation of ERP is that the study that will make the consultant will give you a report of the functions that your company needs.

Consequently, ERP will have those necessary functions.

But these needs that your business requires are based not only on the needs of the present. They are also based on the development and projection that you have of the company.

The advantage of consulting also happens because it ensures savings in the long term. This is so because when making the forecast of future projections of the company, you get an ERP for a long period of time. Otherwise, you would have to change ERP in a short period of time.

On the other hand, the business consulting for the implementation of the ERP manages to prepare the business for the changes.

In general, the organizational climate is affected by the changes. There are always employees or a part of the organization that visualizes these changes as a threat. This generates resistance in the organization when it is seen that changes will be made through the ERP. Part of the work of the consultancy is to prepare the company for these changes and that the organization sees this implementation as progress for the company.

In this way, the company will be able to see the change as an advance and see advantages in these changes. All this will make the transition smooth and really productive.

All this process of changes can produce some frequent problems that are normal. It is inevitable that there will be disruptions when a change is made in the way an organization operates. These inconveniences are going to be given so much in the human resources by the labor climate, some technical problems, etc. This occurs in the process of installation or implementation.

This is one of the most important reasons to hire a consultant who knows the process and minimizes the associated problems. In addition to minimizing possible problems, they can be solved more quickly and easily.

The consultant will also carry out a training task for the staff that will be handling the ERP operations. That is, in addition to being an evaluator, the consultant trains human resources.

This aspect is very important since it gives you a more comprehensive implementation solution that will be more efficient.

The consultant will also carry out a training task for the staff that will be handling the ERP operations. That is, in addition to being an evaluator, the consultant trains human resources.

Keep in mind that this aspect is very important since it gives you a more integral implementation solution that also saves you money by not needing to invest in extra training. As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to hire a consultancy before the implementation of the ERP in your company.

Finally, contact us for more information on the implementation of ZOHO’s ERP with a previous consultancy from SAGITAZ.