The management of the HR of your company takes time: entrance and exit control, permissions, holidays, contracts, payslip, training, etc. Forget about storaging your employees’s information in excell sheets as well as different platforms and channel all of it in just one system.
We introduce you to Zoho People, your application for the HR management, named a top 10 HR software. If you don’t know yet, we give you 5 reasons to start using it.
Working time management and control
With Zoho People you’ll have a better working time management and control. This tool will allow you to have a registration about your employees attendance, absences, permissions as well as to know what are they doing. That is, what projects they are working on thanks to the integration with Zoho Projects.
Documentary management control
Another feature of Zoho People is the information management. Within this system you’ll have storaged all the information (contracts, employees’s degrees, payslip, etc) and quickly accessible.
Information management
If your company offers training courses, with this app you can manage them, then communicate to the employees as well to make a follow up and to make reports.
Excellent talent management
Do you want to know which employees have a perfect German knowledge and specific skills? With zoho People you’ll be able to evaluate skills and set goals to the employees, as well to make an inventory of the employees skills. You can make this skills be self evaluated by the own employee, as well as their manager or job mates. At the same time, you can set goals and to follow up. Very useful, isn’t it?
Holidays approvals
Time to get the permission of your holidays from your boss is over! With Zoho People you can manage holidays, permissions, absents quicly and easily by assign the approval to the manager you choose. For instance, for an operator, you can assign the approval to the plant manager and the HR manager.
What do you think about all this features of Zoho People? Are you already using this tool? What’s the most important thing you highlight? Tell us! If you don’t know yet, it’s time to start using it, doesn’t it?