Authentication change for Zoho Finance products

WOZTELL Golden Partner : WhatsApp + zOHO

From here at SAGITAZ, we would like to notify you that the auth tokens that are currently in use to authenticate Zoho Finance API calls will be deprecated as of March 1st, 2021. Zoho products included in this modification are all those related to Zoho Finance (Zoho Books included). From the aforementioned date, OAuth 2.0 will be used, which is a more secure and robust protocol.

This means that starting on March 1st, existing workflows or custom-made functions that communicate with the ZOHO Books API will no longer work unless it is replaced by the new authentication protocol (OAuth 2.0). The latter has several benefits compared to its predecessor:

  • OAuth provides access to the Zoho Books API via a token update, which does not require you to store your credentials in your own application.

  • You can specify the scope of the “access tokens”. This means that each of them can provide authentication only to the Zoho books API that you specify. You can also revoke these access tokens at any time if necessary.

  • Access tokens expire after a certain period of time.

SAGITAZ recommends that you modify or change your authentication method to OAuth 2.0 as soon as possible, in order to avoid any last-minute malfunctions of any of the solutions.

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them. You can send your queries by clicking here.

Thank you!!!

SagitaZ Team